What a luxury coworking space in NYC affords in personal liberty keen money knowledge affords in financial freedom.
That’s why Blender is so excited to host Girlboss x Blackrock’s Money Moves: An Evening of Getting Smarter with Your $$$$, the latest meet up by the savvy and smart economic powerhouses.
The two powerhouses teamed up to bring the best of the expertise from both companies to women in the workforce.
To give you a taste of Girlboss x BlackRock’s super offerings, we’re happy to share some of the best tips picked up during the second annual Girlboss Rally in NYC last spring.
A Few of Top Morsels of Financial Literacy Knowledge:
“Think of saving for your short-term goals, think of investing for your long-term goals.” — Anne Ackerley, BlackRock
“The more you can automate what you’re doing in terms of saving and investing, the better off you’re going to be.” — Anne Ackerley, BlackRock
“You always want to pay your credit cards in full. You do not want to keep a balance. I demystified credit cards for you, amen.” — Kristin O’Keeffe Merrick, O’Keeffe Financial Partners, LLC
“Compound interest is magic. It’s magic and it can make you really wealthy and you can take care of your great grandkids. We should all do that.” — Kristin O’Keeffe Merrick, O’Keeffe Financial Partners, LLC
“If you’re self-employed, if you’re a business owner, if you’re freelance, you should know about a SEP IRA. It is awesome. What it does, it acts the same way as the 401(k), so anything that you put into a SEP IRA acts as a tax deduction.” — Kristin O’Keeffe Merrick, O’Keeffe Financial Partners, LLC

Luxury Coworking Space + Financial Literacy = Thriving (Photo courtesy of Girlboss)
Check out all 10 Girlboss x BlackRock tips for financial literacy here.
To learn more about the Money Moves event, Thursday, September 26, click here.