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The Blender experience is
better in-person.

We typically respond the same day your inquiry is received.

Should you require immediate gratification, call us. 212-994-0230

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The Blender experience is
better in-person.

    We typically respond the same day your inquiry is received.

    Should you require immediate gratification, call us. 212-994-0230

    Down To Earth: Supertea Tasting

    Thursday, July 26 —
    12:00pm - 2:00pm

    Blender Workspace
    135 Madison Avenue, 8th Floor
    New York, NY 10016

    Hyper-productive in the morning with a serious slow down in the afternoon? We’ve got just thing lined up. Refreshing (and healthy drinks) to fight the afternoon slump.

    Down To Earth is a health-focused beverage and wellness brand on a mission to celebrate the healing power of the Earth in its most natural state. Their functional super tea beverages stem from the Earth, rooted in organic and wild-crafted ingredients that nourish, sustain and heal our bodies. Down To Earth’s methods are grounded in sustainability to preserve all the rich, earthy health benefits your body deserves.

    Down to Earth considers it their responsibility to preserve and maintain our environment for future generations. As well as choosing sustainable growing methods for their ingredients, they bottle drinks in superior, recyclable glass instead of harmful, unsalvageable plastics.

    Event Space Inquiry.
    The Blender experience is
    better in-person.

    We typically respond the same day your inquiry is received.

    Should you require immediate gratification, call us. 212-994-0230

    Event Space Inquiry.
    The Blender experience is
    better in-person.

    Please provide your contact to view the venue floorplan.

    We typically respond the same day your inquiry is received.

    Should you require immediate gratification, call us. 212-994-0230

    The Blender experience is
    better in-person.

      We typically respond the same day your meeting room inquiry is received.

      Can’t Wait? Call us. 212-994-0230