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    We typically respond the same day your inquiry is received.

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    Luxury Beyond Millennials – Leading Luxury Brands in The Age of Digital Disruption presented by Jing Daily

    Monday, February 4 —
    8:30-10:30 AM

    Blender Workspace
    135 Madison Avenue, 8th Floor
    New York, NY 10016

    Luxury Beyond Millennials – Leading Luxury Brands in The Age of Digital Disruption presented by Jing Daily


    As we approach the 2020s, challenges for luxury brands are growing exponentially. Markets were never as global as today, consumers never as sophisticated with expectations growing beyond anything brands ever experienced before.

    In this breakfast meetup presented by Jing Daily, we will offer insights on how to generate competitive advantage for luxury brands in an accelerating world with the help of sophisticated luxury strategy tools and deep consumer insights using AI and machine learning.


    – Daniel Langer, CEO of Équité – Unleashing the power of luxury brands

    – Tom Pappas, Chairman of IMS – Deep insight generation with AI and machine learning

    This event is open to members + invite only.

    Event Space Inquiry.
    The Blender experience is
    better in-person.

    We typically respond the same day your inquiry is received.

    Should you require immediate gratification, call us. 212-994-0230

    Event Space Inquiry.
    The Blender experience is
    better in-person.

    Please provide your contact to view the venue floorplan.

    We typically respond the same day your inquiry is received.

    Should you require immediate gratification, call us. 212-994-0230

    The Blender experience is
    better in-person.

      We typically respond the same day your meeting room inquiry is received.

      Can’t Wait? Call us. 212-994-0230