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    The We Age: Unleash Your Creativity With Elena Brower

    Wednesday, May 15 —
    7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

    Blender Workspace
    135 Madison Avenue, 8th Floor
    New York, NY 10016

    Kindly RSVP to attend.

    The We Age presents Unleash Your Creativity with Elena Brower

    Creativity seems to touch the chosen few rather than the masses. But how do we all tap into a more creative mindset? And unleash our imagination, optimism and inner innovator. And what if creativity meant more than being artistic?

    Moving your mindset from stagnation to creativity can change your life. We are bringing together female leaders in a night of conversation to explore tools for how we can all learn to lead from a place of creativity.

    • Connect with fellow conscious leaders in a luxury wellness co-working space in Manhattan
    • Explore creativity with a wellness expert, a psychologist specializing in creativity, and a creative executive
    • Enjoy some bespoke meditation
    • Learn tools to put into practice immediately
    • Leave feeling rejuvenated, inspired and connected

    We have assembled a diverse group of thought leaders: Elena Brower of Practice You, Liz Goldenberg Psychology Professor of Creativity, a Creative Executive and moderated by Carolyn Centeno Milton, Strategy Director and Founder of The We Age.


    Mama, teacher, author, speaker, and Presidential Diamond leader with doTERRA, Elena has taught yoga since 1999. Her first book, Art of Attention, has been ranked number one in design on Amazon, and has now been translated into six languages. Elena’s second book, Practice You: A Journal, is a bestseller from Sounds True, now being incorporated into teaching curricula worldwide for all ages. She is a wellness icon and is particularly interested in people unleashing their own inner creativity.


    We are a community of conscious leaders exploring tools and topics together to become limitless in work & in life, individually and collectively.

    By changing the conversation, we can integrate our drive for success with an understanding of how interconnected we are. We can operate from a place greater than you and I – a place of we. So that we can reach our highest potential and impact our communities and world for the better. So that wage gaps, burnout, #metoo and imbalance are no longer the norm but things like courage, compassion and connection are. This is larger than gender, this is about culture and the conditions we are creating as both men and women.

    In an uncertain world, we need tools for self-management, abundance, empowerment, purpose, creativity, resilience, empathy, and balance. And we need to think about our brands and businesses in a holistic way that drives culture forward and impacts the world for the better.

    Let’s move into the we age.


    Event Space Inquiry.
    The Blender experience is
    better in-person.

    We typically respond the same day your inquiry is received.

    Should you require immediate gratification, call us. 212-994-0230

    Event Space Inquiry.
    The Blender experience is
    better in-person.

    Please provide your contact to view the venue floorplan.

    We typically respond the same day your inquiry is received.

    Should you require immediate gratification, call us. 212-994-0230

    The Blender experience is
    better in-person.

      We typically respond the same day your meeting room inquiry is received.

      Can’t Wait? Call us. 212-994-0230