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Book A Tour.
The Blender experience is
better in-person.

We typically respond the same day your inquiry is received.

Should you require immediate gratification, call us. 212-994-0230

Connect With Us.
The Blender experience is
better in-person.

    We typically respond the same day your inquiry is received.

    Should you require immediate gratification, call us. 212-994-0230

    $300/hr2 hours

    Request to Book

    Scott typically responds within 3 hrs

    Message Host

    Testing New Event Landing Page

    Midtown, New York, NY

    8 reviews 150 people 2 hr min 3000 sq ft
    "I am excited to write this review after an awesome event at Blender." Kate B.
    "Excellent space!" Mindy M.
    "Nice space overall!" Jennifer L.

    Duis vitae varius nisi, a sagittis quam. Vestibulum sit amet metus id diam commodo pharetra. Integer vehicula diam ut lacus consequat, ac pretium orci euismod. Nunc euismod metus quis enim mollis, nec iaculis orci tristique. Aenean volutpat ultrices mi, quis blandit nunc lobortis eget. Integer egestas, dui in consectetur faucibus, ex nibh congue augue, in dictum eros tortor vel urna. Aliquam faucibus quis arcu non cursus. Praesent magna dolor, rutrum nec est eget, ullamcorper pellentesque massa. Sed maximus justo odio, ut aliquam nisl commodo sed. Integer vel turpis semper, finibus nulla eu, volutpat nibh. Cras scelerisque sed ligula sed gravida. Aliquam consequat velit mi. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus in diam odio. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Quisque at commodo dui, id accumsan velit.

    Event Space Inquiry.
    The Blender experience is
    better in-person.

    We typically respond the same day your inquiry is received.

    Should you require immediate gratification, call us. 212-994-0230

    Event Space Inquiry.
    The Blender experience is
    better in-person.

    Please provide your contact to view the venue floorplan.

    We typically respond the same day your inquiry is received.

    Should you require immediate gratification, call us. 212-994-0230

    The Blender experience is
    better in-person.

      We typically respond the same day your meeting room inquiry is received.

      Can’t Wait? Call us. 212-994-0230