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The Blender experience is
better in-person.

    We typically respond the same day your inquiry is received.

    Should you require immediate gratification, call us. 212-994-0230

    MZ Goodman / BASE

    We caught up with MZ Goodman, a native New Yorker raised in Montreal.

    What’s the name of your company and what is your title
    I’m the founder of BASE, urban coliving for special needs young adults

    What inspired you to begin (working at) your company
    I’m a parent of a special needs kid and there’s so much to fix!

    What quote do you live by?

    I have two! On a day-to-day basis, as a working mom who is trying to build a business, endlessly prioritizing and re-prioritizing, while co-managing a household, I generally abide by “there is no better time than the present”. Do things well, get them done and move forward. Try not to procrastinate. On a more macro level I’d have to go with something my own mother always told us growing up: “that which does not kill you makes you stronger” because I have learned patience (a quality I most certainly did not possess and have had to learn!), generosity of spirit and so many other great things out of the experience of having a child with special needs.

    What was your childhood mantra

    My life in the sunshine.

    What’s your pre-flight ritual
    Giant cashmere wrap, bottle of water, Erik Satie

    What’s your ideal summer vacation spot
    By the ocean

    First album you ever bought
    De La Soul: 3 Feet High and Rising

    What is personal space flight worth to you
    Love the concept, but wouldn’t die to try it

    Would you trust an autonomous car
    May be safer than some of the taxis I’ve taken

    Where would you rather be right now
    I’m quite happy where I am

    How did you first hear about Blender
    Through “All Good Work’s” social impact program for non-profits

    What drew you to Blender
    I was thrilled to be offered a residency as part of “All Good Work’s” outreach

    What made you ultimately decide to move your business to Blender
    A) Heavy subsidies, greatly appreciated
    B) Gorgeous space

    What would you curate for Blender event
    Too many ideas to list!

    Check out our other articles here!

    Event Space Inquiry.
    The Blender experience is
    better in-person.

    We typically respond the same day your inquiry is received.

    Should you require immediate gratification, call us. 212-994-0230

    Event Space Inquiry.
    The Blender experience is
    better in-person.

    Please provide your contact to view the venue floorplan.

    We typically respond the same day your inquiry is received.

    Should you require immediate gratification, call us. 212-994-0230

    The Blender experience is
    better in-person.

      We typically respond the same day your meeting room inquiry is received.

      Can’t Wait? Call us. 212-994-0230